Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Sunday, December 15, 2013

What is Mookaite jasper?

Mookaite jasper, also known as mookite, mookalite, moakite and moukaite, comes exclusively from mines in Western Australian. It is so named because it comes from the Mooka Creek area of Australia. Technically, Mookaite jasper is a Windalia Radiolarite (sedimentary rock) whose silification is opaline to chalcedonic, but all you need to remember is that it is a beautiful gemstone that comes in red, purple, tan, white, ivory and pink. Here is a sample in its natural form.

Mookaite jasper is said to have a beneficial energy vibration that slows the aging process, and similarly is said to be helpful in healing when placed under the pillow. Some advocate use of Mookaite jasper to stimulate intuitive abilities. I just love the gemstone because of its rarity and beautiful colors. Here are some earrings that I designed using sterling silver and red Mookaite jasper cabochons, from my collection.

Mookaite jasper is a part of the quartz/chalcedony family, and is a relatively hard gemstone ranging between 6.5-7.0 on the Mohs scale, about the same as quart and tourmaline. Its relative hardness makes it excellent for durable jewelry and less susceptible to scratching by everyday wear.

Rarely, raw Mookaite jasper will contain dendrites, a branching figure or marking resembling moss or a shrub, due to the presence of a foreign material. Here is a beautiful example of a polished Mookaite cabochon from Topgems containing a dendrite tree. Because of the rarity, even small stones like this can sell for 100's of dollars.

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